is a speculative narrative and archival installation in collaboration with Emory University Symphony Orchestra. This work is in response to African-American Composer George Walker's piece "Lyrics for For Strings" to which he dedicated to his Grandmother, Malvina King. He learned that she had passed in as he was composing the piece.

Artist and Archivist, Sierra King utilized the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives and Rare Book Library to research his papers, letters and correspondence and photographs to find more information about his upbringing, who his Grandmother was and his own recollection of the impact she made on his life. Using her findings she was able to fill in the gaps of and answer questions of "What does she look like?" and "How would she posture herself in the presence of another person?"

The archival installation consists of a telephone, suitcase, music stand and piano music pointing to significant memories that require the viewer to recollect their own experience with loss, grief and love of maternal figures in their life.

The photographs were streamed alongside Emory University Symphony's Orchestra October 29th performance at Schwartz Center for Performing Arts.

A partnership between the Emory Arts and the Ethics and the Arts program of the Emory University Center for Ethics, the Arts and Social Justice Fellowship was envisioned as an opportunity for faculty members to work alongside partnered ASJ Fellows to embed creative projects that reflect on social inequities into existing courses.